Sanction program B.Ed Bachelor of Education
B.Ed programme of two years duration with an annual intake of 50 students (One basic unit) from the academic session 2015-16.
Annual Intake 100 (From 2008 to 2015-16 of One year Duration)
Executive Summary
Sanskar Bharati College of Education is dedicated to education,training and Social service for the rural area. Since establishment the college struggles a lot Because satisfactory financial resources are not easily and timely available. Yet it is continuously and gradually on the right way of improvement, progress and Efficacy. Personalities of various sectors often visit this college. Many of them are the past trainees who generously provide all required co-operation for betterment.
The college is deter mined to fulfill the expectations of government, society and the parents. At present it occupies a significant p lace in this area. It has required infrastructures. This is the first education college of this taluka that has obtained grant for ladies hostel and science Laboratory. The construction work of Language Laboratory/Technology Laboratory is in progress. The exam results are also worth to be considered. The college has a full fledged teaching staff. Except o ne, all lecturers posses Doctorate degrees. The college can easily use practicing schools located nearby the college.More over, the college organizes guest lectures, educational guidance programmers for pupils of standard X and XII. As well as the lecturers during internship, stray lesson etc. programmers, deliver talk s, speeches related to upliftment of rural women, school teachers, pupils, parents etc. The lad y trainees often participate in mothers’ meeting in remote village schools and provide guidance for educating the female learners. The college frequently organizes group-discussions, seminars, open-forum etc. programmers for trainees and school teachers. The college team always provides guidance to taluka schools for conducting exhibitions, debates, book-fairs, celebration of festivals and particular.
The college is concerned about an all-round development of the teacher trainees. There are ample opportunities for students to participate in curricular, co -curricular activities beyond the syllabi & most students avail of these opportunities in tune with their interest, while going through the activities the students get great deal of inter disciplinary learning experiences for students as they interact with students and teachers from differ ent disciplines. Our major objective is to help prospective teachers to develop competence to teach subjects of their specialization, employing appropriate theory o f learning skills o f teaching the subjects are developed through micro teaching, simulation, stray lesson & internship programme.
Moreover the college motivates the trainees for providing various social services.
The college also organises seminars for the females, in which prominent women fro m different sectors are invited. The college occupies rich library of reference books, periodicals, encyclopedias etc. The faculty is ever eager to guide brilliant student aspiring to have higher achievement. The college consists of competent faculties who are constantly busy by upgrading themselves.
Teaching Learning and Evaluation
Admission Process and Student Profile:
Give details of the admission process and admission policy (Criteria for admission, adherence to the decisions of regular bodies, equity, access, transparency, etc.) of the institution. The institution is affiliated to Gujarat University, Ahmedabad. The principals of Gujarat University formed a separate entity “B. Ed. Admission Cell” in the year 1985. The Gujarat University B.Ed. Admission Cell looks after all normal affairs of admission to all B.Ed. Colleges affiliated to Gujarat University. The criteria of admission are specifically formed as per the norms prescribed by NCTE.
The following is the system developed for the same.
The University forms the Committee for the purpose of finalizing norms for the admission to B.Ed. course in respective academic year. The committee finalizes the rules and regulation and advertises ad mission for forthcoming academic year. The application form along with prospectus are sold and collected by the Cell. The cell prepares the merit list as per the norms and uploads it for verification by the applicants. The applicants can ask for correction in any of the details before prescribed date. The merit list is prepared method wise and then category wise. There is a provision o f reservation to all as per the constitution and directives o f the State and Central Government.
The applicants have to present himself before Cell for the admission along with all original documents. All the details with merit are displayed on the screen at the time of ad mission so everyone can monitor the entire system.